みんなの神大実現プロジェクト 今後の方針について









【English version】

 Hello, everyone. We are "Shindai for Everyone".  We are happy if you take care of yourself because it is hot these days. 

 Now, as we have stated, we tell you about our policy because this month is "pride month" and we worry about discrimination against transgender. The discrimination will be related to LGBT Legislation, Japan's new law. 

First, we keep a distance from politics and religion from the past to the future. It is difficult for us to keep a distance from politics and religion because our ideas are related to our behavior.  However, we make the word, and no one in our organization talks about politics and religion as a member.

 We are "a safe place where we can act to change Kobe University", "an organization which helps change Kobe University to a better place by talking in order to change the system of Kobe University", and "a place for people concerned and supporters". 

 We are talking with Kobe University to change an uncomfortable system for LGBTQIA+. However, if we think we change the system, we will talk with Kobe University regardless of the character of the issue. We work for both the majority and the minority. 

 Second, we are opposed to discriminating against sexual minorities, of course, transgender. You naturally know that you have to compromise to live in this society. We think "silence is death". Therefore, we discuss, communicate, and try to make a compromise. If someone is hurt by the system of Kobe University, we show our opinion and discuss it with Kobe University. We are against discrimination because we are so sad if we see people who are hurt by discrimination.

Lastly, we refer to ignorance. If you don't notice or aren't hurt in the system of Kobe University, you are so lucky. However, there are many people who demand help in Kobe University. We don't blame you because noticing is so difficult. We think it is important to continue to think about people who are hurt. We also think we should listen to them, and act with them on an equal footing. They are sometimes unconscious of their emotional scars, and cannot express their opinion because they are exhausted. If so, we'd like to say "You have a safe place".